
中秋节的由来用英文怎么说:The origin of the Mid-Autumn festival

  • 作者: 帝神小编
  • 来源: 帝神算命网
  • 2024-06-15

中秋节的由来用英文怎么说:The origin of the Mid-Autumn festival

1.The Mid-Autumn Festival is a Chinese festival held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar。 China listed the festival as an "Intangible Cultural Heritage" in 2006 and a public holiday in 2008.


2.To the Chinese, Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated when the moon is believed to be the biggest and fullest。 A full moon is a symbol of prosperity, happiness, and family reunion。


3.Things to do节日期间做的事

1)Eating Mooncakes 吃月饼

Mooncakes are traditional Chinese pastries eaten to celebrate the festival, which typically involves much giving, receiving, and eating of mooncakes。


Mooncakes are round in shape, like the full harvest moon of Mid-Autumn’s evening。 Up to 10 cm (4 inches) wide and 5 cm (2 inches) deep, most mooncakes consist of a pastry skin enveloping a sweet, dense filling of various ingredients。


2) Appreciating the Moon 赏月

In Chinese beliefs, the full moon is the symbol for a family reunion。 Many famous ancient poets wrote poems about the moon and expressed their homesickness。 Chinese family members have dinner together in the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival。


3) Making Colorful Lanterns 做彩灯

Making colorful lanterns is a joyous activity between families and children。 They make them in different shapes to be hung in trees or houses, or floated on rivers。 Parks will also hang up colorful lanterns, which provide a beautiful view at night。


